
I've laughed myself silly at the live events, but Rifftrax feels decidedly inferior for one of the reasons you touch on: the lack of obscure references. I found the best episodes endlessly rewatchable through my teenage years because a lot of references sailed over my head, and then on the next viewing- "Oh that's

Shoehorned into the Buffy chapter.

I'll need to look into it some more, but I do not trust the New York Post on this or any Murdoch news source. I'm not saying it's not true (or that the movie doesn't sound odious), but that article has the flavor of those "Global Warming is a Fraud" pieces.

I'll need to look into it some more, but I do not trust the New York Post on this or any Murdoch news source. I'm not saying it's not true (or that the movie doesn't sound odious), but that article has the flavor of those "Global Warming is a Fraud" pieces.

Hey, purely hypothetically speaking, what if he'd said "Iran Deserves to Be Annihilated." Would you ask him to explain himself? Or just keep signing your paycheck?

Hey, purely hypothetically speaking, what if he'd said "Iran Deserves to Be Annihilated." Would you ask him to explain himself? Or just keep signing your paycheck?

God knows I'm happy to forget the Scorsese Cape Fear.

God knows I'm happy to forget the Scorsese Cape Fear.

Yeah, I loved Mae Whitman's face-offs with Braugher. That was when I realized she was a major talent. I still remember the bit where she spat out the n-word at him.

Yeah, I loved Mae Whitman's face-offs with Braugher. That was when I realized she was a major talent. I still remember the bit where she spat out the n-word at him.

Think bigger. It'd be funny if just to fuck with people, HBO got the 14th Amendment repealed and then had Sean Bean elected president.

Think bigger. It'd be funny if just to fuck with people, HBO got the 14th Amendment repealed and then had Sean Bean elected president.

Only tourists go to the carousel of irresponsibility and medical procedures. Locals to the ferris wheel of fecklessness and orthodontia.

Only tourists go to the carousel of irresponsibility and medical procedures. Locals to the ferris wheel of fecklessness and orthodontia.

Hoping for full season coverage
Great review and I hope the AVClub will pick this up for recaps. I'll be fascinated to see how they cover two moments of national PR triumph for Booker: the month without murders in March, and of course his actions during the snowstorm.

The phone?
I may have missed something during the scene at the lawyer's office, but why didn't they just show the cops the video, which would demonstrate that Lindus had motive for the murder?

I'm willing to accept the large dorm rooms for the same reason I'm willing to accept CGI snakes. Large spaces make it easier to film.

I never bought into the Eureka "charm," so a watered-down version seems especially wasteful to me. Saul Rubinek soaring through the warehouse in all his pudgy middle-aged glory was the only moment that really stayed with me. The rest of the episode could be out of any syndicated time waster from the last two

On the other hand, who hasn't had two martinis and then tried to hijack an elevator and fly it to Cuba?