Zooey Deschanels Gooey Bechame

OK, I would have registered the name "Doughy Bechamel" but it wasn't as disgusting. I'll forget the password by tomorrow anyway and this bad joke will be consigned to obscurity

What do you call it
when a comeback backs up almost immediately?

Is this really your first time doing this?
OK, turn around slowly. Now bend over.

I was cured, all right.

Foolproof way to make a remote control antiseptic: coat it with plutonium.

Reminds me of the joke about the two guys taking a leak. It's funnier if I don't tell it. Trust me.

ICP is just White Power with makeup instead of swastikas anyway, right?

That logo…
Did Dr. Manhattan get pissed off on his way to a board meeting?

There is never a wrong time or place to assert one's hipster cred by hating Cars!
OK I admit, I hate it too. But look at it this way: little douchebags need a "Toy Story" of their own before they grow into the "Fast Five" franchise.

Or if they are African kings who come hilariously to America!

Ha ha!
You love your sister publication!

I get it! "Backpack," like "Down Low," right?