
Yeah, they're definitely saying "Talibum," which, really, is the best wrestling name I've heard in a long, long time.

Average America -

Pete Wentz is a douche. Quite possibly a lowly piece of shit.

The Canadian jokes on this one were great - especially since the "Canadians are so weak" shtick ended with Barney getting a major pounding, got taken care of with their universal health care, and Barney's mental gymnastics translated that as them being suckers.

Man, screw the window - this is one of the few times where I agree with Mark Cuban and actually having DVDs for sale on release day, but selling them in the theatres themselves is how it should be done.

I agree that it was probably the weakest episode so far this season, but the Abed/Troy storyline tonight worked for me. It was all Abed just not getting the point and Troy not even playing along. To me that was hilarious.