
I hear it's okay to like things more than you might.

Man, Bond doesn't need to be shit but drunk, horny and armed.

Also, Arrow has to do that over 23 episodes, whereas IF has 13.

With TV ratings, at least when you're into seasons 2+, the only ratings you really have to give are not against other shows on the market, but against itself.

It's not just Marvel, it's TV in general. It's baked into the medium.

And that makes Polanski also super gross; what's your point?

Hey, there are plenty of sources. Mind not using a caught-on-camera piece of shit like Carter Reynolds as your source?

And it should also be noted that Felicity Jones pretty much got cast for Inferno and Rogue One at about the same time — close enough to where these sorts of decisions would be made in tandem.

Every man, woman and child who reminds me of "butt-chugging" goes on the list.

I don't think Ben is the problem. He just seems out of sync with the show, to me, like they're writing a completely different TV series for him and then hey, there's Penguin.

I hate this plan!

I'm always reminded of the episode where people are starting to think Trudy faked her death. These sorts of episodes almost always go awry and lose a lot of good faith, but they had it down.

I don't even like her, like at all, but kids are weird and if you're gonna talk shit, context matters.

What Ricky here fails to mention is that she was seven years old herself when it happened, and wrote about it with her sister fully aware of the passage.

Well, and JJ also had other wrinkles, too — "If I kill him, and he has people set to kill each other in case I do so, am I the one who murdered them?" Which those questions stayed her hand and is reasonable even IF you'd gone full Frank Castle.

And then here's the kicker: It wasn't even entertaining.

Basically, if you treat the first four episodes — the Punisher Episodes — as its own miniseries, you'll find a lot to enjoy out of it. It's four really great hours of TV, followed by nine of good-to-stupid. (Basically, it trended down as Punisher/Daredevil combo received less screentime.)

and if you were really cool, the conversations would go into PRIMER and BRICK.

We also don't know what, exactly, they have in store.