Just Popped In To Say...

The first time someone played New Order's version of "Ceremony" for me:

My brother was convinced that Ryan Reynolds was Burt Reynolds' son, yet couldn't believe that Emily & Zooey Deschanel are sisters because they look nothing alike. He may be legally blind.

Ugh, John Mayer. Years ago I would listen to Pandora for a good chunk of my workday, as most other options were blocked and I didn’t have an iPod. “Bigger Than My Body” came on when I was all out of skips, and goddamn if that chorus wasn’t
the worst thing to hear in the midst of a soul-crushing cubicle job. Stop

I'm guessing this clip is all anyone really needs before deciding if this is the show for them.

Now I desperately want to see Amanda's version of Forrest Gump, Attorney at Law Who Dies of AIDS.

For years my husband & I used the same strategy in our Jeopardy viewing, but Ella Fitzgerald was our go-to Random Guess That Would Eventually Be Correct. And it was!

Halt and Catch Fire is still a thing that exists, although Alex Eakin's 5-minute backstory is already more interesting than Joe MacMillan's ever was.

I thought Andy identified Chicago as "Beantown" because of the famous giant bean (Cloud Gate). Which made an enormous amount of sense for Andy-logic.

That was Cecily Strong on Weekend Update.

Although I recognized it as a really good show during its original run, it wasn't until after multiple re-watches (via HBO marathons, ON Demand binging blocks, and my beloved boxed set) that I truly appreciated what a masterpiece it is.

Geaux Saints?

I thought perhaps she was leading him to be recaptured so they could simply follow him back to Haqqani and drone-strike everyone for reals this time. A pretty dark and implausible version of turning lemons into lemonade but hey, it's Carrie.

This guy will be making a return appearance, so I'm afraid your suspicions may be correct.

Yeah, this perpetually-a-day-behind business ever since the election preemption really blows. Hopefully they're not planning to continue it into next week's Tournament of Champions. In the meantime, you can watch last night's episode here, or just see it tonight.

I enjoyed Casey a lot more once I accepted her as a SNL character.

And either the contestants didn't understand the "un-hyphenating" part of the clue, or couldn't believe that many morons would actually declare their ancestry as "American." I guessed it, but groaned. And then groaned again when Ryan gave his ridiculous "Scotch-Irish" response as the most common ancestry in the Deep

Apparently Californians liked the name so much, we've got two of 'em.

For a minute there, I was afraid the Zinger Double Down was made with actual Hostess Zingers. I guess that's the American version we can look forward to.

There seem to be a lot more awkwardly-worded clues lately, especially for FJ. I guess they decided they were previously making them too easy to parse out, even if you were shaky on the category. For instance, I used to get them pretty frequently, and I'm the kind of dummy that was thinking What is Meringue?

Ali's Triple Stumpers of the day: Whenever someone almost responds correctly and the other contestants don't jump on it, I prefer to think they're just being polite. It's terrible strategy and I have nothing to back it up, but that's what I'm going with.