S. Jerusalem

If I were to guess, and all I'm going on is this episode, I would imagine part of the GR's faith has to do with breath/breathing/lungs. Hence not talking (keeping breath in the body), smoking (destroying the purity of the breath) and their placards of "Don't Waste Your Breath." Still not sure how following people

Alyson Hannigan has spent 9 years on a critically-acclaimed and popular sitcom. She's definitely the most successful AP alumnus, with perhaps Sean William Scott in second place and John Cho in third.

Coldhands is all but written out of the show at this point. The scenes in which he appears have all happen fine without him (Sam escaping the White Walkers, the Night's Watch mutineers dying, Bran and co. going to meet Bloodraven). Unless he has a huge purpose later in TWOW, he probably won't appear on the show.

Here are spoilers for as much of the comic that I read: group of survivors meet safe location run by fascist leader, fascist leader kills some survivors, new survivors join the group, group defeats fascist leader and moves on to new safe location. Also, odd pairings of characters have sex.

I don't know why everyone expects Brienne to meet Lady Stoneheart in the season finale. That's pretty much taking all of Brienne's plot from book 4 and putting it into a few scenes. Season 4 should end with LSH stringing up some Frey schmuck in the "epilogue" of the season, thereby allowing viewers to revel in the

Isn't their ex-guitarist too busy getting front row tickets to ECW events?

Exactly. Lady Stoneheart first appears in the epilogue of ASOS, hanging some Frey schmuck. She doesn't capture Brienne and Podrick until near the end of AFFC.

Thomas is just on the panel so he can tell everyone he's had at least three girlfriends.

CJ all the way. I've never understood Mordecai's fascination with Margaret. Margaret's a girl Mordecai can crush on but really can't have a "relationship" with because she doesn't have much of a personality.

To be fully nerdy (and that's what we're here for): Elvis based his outfit on Captain Marvel Jr.

I hoped it was a behind-the-scenes look at the making of St. Vincent's first album.

I can understand they can't show Constantine smoke all the time or his bisexuality on network TV. I'm hoping for a guest appearance by Swamp Thing, at the very least.

I like how they dressed Chloe in leftover "Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" outfits. It's like that's become TV shorthand for "rebellious hacker with a heart of gold."

Brienne and Podrick get True Detective season 3.

Funnily enough, I was thinking of Sansa listening to Littlefinger plowing her aunt with the caption "I hear zoo noises."

Podrick probably hopes that bet Renly's men made about Brienne is still valid, because he's aiming to win.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Sam never told Jon he passed Bran and Co. underneath the Wall in the books, right? That seems like a pretty big secret to give up on Sam's part.

Personally, I like Rebecca Sugar's original demo the Fry Song, but I can see how that would come across as a bit too intense for a younger audience: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I mean, of course Rick would be a drunk. If you think of everything's he been through, everywhere he's visited, how many parallel universes in which he's seen family die in, not to mention the cosmic enormity of it all, he'd have to drink just to get through the day. Either that, or he's just realy really jaded.

Pod's massive endowment will save his life!