Jasper Beardly

Are these headphones I got for free from the last plane trip I took about to give up the ghost, or does that song sound really tinny?

I wanna go back
I wanna go back
And I don't even know how they got off the track

Ah… shit siblings. There're a lot of them around.
My personal favourite? Eric Roberts.

Agreed. All these character commenters deserve a paddlin'

If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.

What are the youth if they ain't rebellin'?
What's Ralph Camden, if he ain't yellin'
At Ed Norton, what is coke snortin'?
What is position if there is no contortin'?

I can't do nuttin' for ya man
You got all these people on your back now
I can't do nuttin' for ya man
Flavor flav got problems of his own

But I know enough not to get in an existential panic about it.

It worked out ok. Was long ago now. Now I pretend to work in IT and spend much of my time writing boring comments like this one.

So is it still 0?

I feel old.
Real, real old.
The article made me feel old.
These comments are making me feel older.
I'm old.

Theophilus Suck = Gold

Oh, you better believe that's a paddlin'


Had to smack on that space bar as soon as the music changed, Captain…. or has my memory for keyboard controls failed me again?

and moon pie….

Oh well easy come, easy go.

Firstie world
That's a paddlin'

That's a pandaring

My favourite variation has always been - "Gay as a window."