
What's the over/under on Beth having faked her suicide? She certainly would've had enough reasons to disappear and committing the entire season premiere to her makes me think that may actually have happened. MK could know a clone whith the same disease Cosima has who just wants to end it anyway, so it would be

She's maybe even better when she doesn't open her mouth. I could watch Keri Russel and Matthew Rhys not uttering a single word to each other all day long.

Agreed about Yidu and Odo, they were beyond useless. But Kwenthrith was at least fun, I'd gladly trade her for Harbard, who for a moment I thought they were getting rid off, too and actually going 3 for 3 in removing the most worthless characters in a single episode.

So Kim's law firm fails, she's broke, returns home to become a cashier at the Hinky Dinky's, runs into Jimmy/Saul/Gene at the Cinnabon and they ride into the sunset as Mrs. and Mr. Giselle St. Clair?

I think that was kinda the point. D&M are very traditional and also very strict about following every little convention to a t even if doesn't really make a lot of sense (assuming they're not still primarily reliant on typewriters). So of course they'd be stuck with an antiquated style code.

I had no idea about anyone involved, other than what I saw in the trailers. So I was one of those 1% who were truly surprised that Luke is unbreakable. But I was more confused about what his purpose is on this show than what his power is (they made that pretty clear), but now that I learned that he's getting his own

I don't see why he has to be Jewish. "Verkackte" is a pretty common German word. Not as common as "fuck" in English, but still. The Jewish part here is entirely optional (unless they mentioned it on the show and I missed it).

Wasn't that called Your Conception?

And yet we're still waiting for the official Turkish Star Wars action figures.

Reason #382 why Helena is awesome: She lights up when she knows she only has a spoon to kill you. The look on S' face was priceless.

But some people do watch for the fight scenes. All those complaints about not much happening earlier this season? They're usually from the crowd looking for the action scenes.

But the Boltons don't expect her to be totally cool with them. If anything, that would be highly suspicious. Sansa pretending to accept her situation and play along for a lack of better options is a far better strategy than kissing Bolton's ass.

He said "All sinners are equal in the eyes of the Gods". Also another hint that he'll turn on Cersei sooner rather than later.

Yep, shape shifting assassins can't be cheap. Unless we're talking about the shitty ones from the Star Wars prequels, of course.

"Melisandre shining the light of her lord on Jon Snow"