
I'll try that.

He's mine too but I don't know how to do what he said. I think I have a Disqus thing but there wasn't an option when I posted my comment. I'm at the mercy of your brother.

Jenna, how come we don't have pictures next to our names and why is your silhouette different than mine?

Hey everyone, I'm sorry about that door mat by the door. Our taste level can be somewhat questionable at times. Please accept my apology if it offends you.

A lovely man gone too soon. Thanks for the tribute.

Hey A.V. Club!! John and Josh may not be giving away stuff but if you listen to Mom on Pop you'll find a contest with fantastic prizes that will be mailed right to your door. And none of this candy ass swag is included!

But ironically, you could actually buy a fake "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree" at CVS last year. Sort of like talking out of both sides of your mouth. You make some great thought here though and I'm going to read this again after I have my coffee. Merry Christmas!!

Do you still get a flu shot?

And Merry Christmas to you! You're the first person this year to say that to me. I'm cherishing it!

This is the most disappointing gathering of swag that I've since since Part I of this series. Who would ever eat that disgusting brownie?! However, I am fleece people so I'd like that. What happened to all the cool stuff that used to arrive?

Love you too, Pops!!

I did it by accident. I'm sorry.

I haven't read this yet, I just wanted to be the first commenter.

Where the hell have you been!!! I missed you!

I'm going to mark these sites. Thanks for the help with the field roast. I'm definitely going to try for that one. I'm very interested in the NY Times dishes. It's always fun to find something new and good. I hope you're feeling better soon! And again, thank you!

On your word Girard, I would serve this if Johnny and his wife came for Thanksgiving. She's been a vegetarian for a long time. Would I find it at the health food store?

Only if there's a pool of pudding.

Looks like Bruce Ariens could only get one of his tiny devil horns to pierce his cap. And while I'm here I'm going to give a shout out to Paul Pierce. I think my sugar level is low….

Fingers crossed for this to be true…

I LOVE your avatar!! I have 8 of these pictures of different animals. They are fantastic!