Contrarian American

The Captain Najork books were some of my favorites as a child. Very sad, and he really should be bigger over here - his books are extremely intelligent and fun.

I'd worry more about the number of former professional athletes in Congress before we start going after people who have, like, written words for a living.

I'm confused also whether everyone is suddenly sure he did it because I blinked and missed the actual evidence at some point (as opposed to the "he left town" thing), or if his involvement was more strongly involved at the time…that was a long time ago in the life of the show.

Echoing Klytus, Clay, Jax, and the whole club CONSTANTLY mocked the white supremacists for their narrow world view during that plot arc. That's what sticks out in my head, and that's why I'm really confused about this thing with Juice.

I'm with Supedeformed, Shooter wasn't terrible.

I'll throw in "The Bad Sleep Well" as a personal favorite, although it's not a period piece like Ran, Seven Samurai, etc.

Echoing the majority of other commenters here
This game is really good. The protagonist is one of the more realistic characters I've played in a video game, and the puzzle levels, while quite difficult at times, never feel unfair. The solution is always there, and it's pretty rewarding when you finally figure out a

What's a PBnJout taste like?

If you say you don't like the show, you can have some pizza!

Imagine a world where you don't have to repeat yourself. Because you're… The Last Man on Earth!

@ Greg M -

Joe Kickass - I'm with you on the rest of 'em, but you're going to have be pretty specific to get me to believe that Andy Dick has had any "great" moments.

Nicki Minaj sucks.
It doesn't matter how talented her collaborators are. She is fucking terrible. And ugly as sin. I do not for the life of me get the "buzz" surrounding her.

Also Williamsburg. Three things. Our three greatest weapons are Williamsburg, American Apparel, Kid Cudi, and gentrification. FOUR. Four things. Our four greatest weapons are…

@nerdlinger - it's a DVR pause moment to be sure, and it's a little hard to tell with the ridiculous mustache, but I'm about 99% sure Darryl banged that chick from the video.

Hank definitely said "pretend". Between the the Kate scene and the Hank/ex-wife scene where she's so fucking sincere with him, I was starting to feel a little hot behind the eyes, and I'm a dude.

Interesting that it seems to be a matter of which one you saw first dictating your preference for SS over KFH. For myself, I saw SS (western edit) and really enjoyed it, but I don't think there's any question that KFH has the much more well developed story.