
I took the appearance of the theme music to signify that THIS is what the show is about. Walt broke bad because he got screwed by Gretchen and Elliot. It wasn't just a random thing to get Walt to stop feeling sorry for himself and go kick some righteous ass, but the ONE thing that could get him to do it at this point.

When Todd and his Uncles showed up my first thought was the Indian tow truck guy.

From an emotional point of view, the Whites are Starks and the Schraders are Lannisters.

To those who don't understand why Moffat is the worst show runner ever:

I just scanned about 800 comments and I was surprised that I did not see a single mention of "Bad Wolf." I can't be the only person who noticed this episode shamelessly lifted the premise from the Season 1 closer. True, there was no garbage truck (rubbish lorry?) cracking open the Tardis console this time around, but

Now that I'm reading it here, I remember hearing very distracting key jangling in the scene. Of course I forgot about it immediately. Really though, would the show let the characters just walk out of the blast site minutes before the explosion just on coincidence? I'm sure lots of people would say yes, but I don't

Now that I'm reading it here, I remember hearing very distracting key jangling in the scene. Of course I forgot about it immediately. Really though, would the show let the characters just walk out of the blast site minutes before the explosion just on coincidence? I'm sure lots of people would say yes, but I don't

There's a book called Cheap: the High Cost of Discount Living. I believe the book proposes that the evolution of the shopping center went from downtown to the mall,  and now to Outlet Malls. The Outlet Malls buy cheap land out in the middle of nowhere, which has the added advantage of making customers drive all the

There's a book called Cheap: the High Cost of Discount Living. I believe the book proposes that the evolution of the shopping center went from downtown to the mall,  and now to Outlet Malls. The Outlet Malls buy cheap land out in the middle of nowhere, which has the added advantage of making customers drive all the

My mall was Willowbrook in Wayne, NJ and I haunted the Waldenbooks there. I think they had a science fiction club called Xignals, which had a newsletter. (I remember a Junior HS teacher making fun of the newsletter in front of the class; what an incredibly douchey thing to do.) M

My mall was Willowbrook in Wayne, NJ and I haunted the Waldenbooks there. I think they had a science fiction club called Xignals, which had a newsletter. (I remember a Junior HS teacher making fun of the newsletter in front of the class; what an incredibly douchey thing to do.) M

I recently finished Gardens of the Moon and didn't like it enough to read the next book. When I told this to the person who had recommended it to me he said that he didn't care for Book I much either, but thought Books II & III were way better.

I guess this is as good as any thread to ask this question. Could someone explain to me what Walt and Skylar's cover story actually is? I honestly missed something somewhere. What kind of cover story allows for them to buy the biggest friggin car wash in the world, but not be able to afford a $300 bottle of wine? You

I thought it was pretty dramatic the way they ended that episode with Jenny punching Sammy in the face. In other words, putting the fight at the very end was a solid creative decision.

I got the impression from the footage they've shown that there are no punches thrown. It looks like Ronnie just picks Mike up and slams him on something. I bet that's the whole fight.

I never knew this until I read Supergods. China Mieville has an acclaimed short story with the same subject matter. I'm not sure which one came first, but I have a feeling GM came up with the idea first.

I'm reading the book right now, and if I remember correctly, Morrison gets the issue count right in the book and the reviewer gets the quote wrong above.

I thought that when Larry was watching the laptop someone was going to come up and take it. That's always my fear in a situation like that. What do you do? Obviously, some people would protect the laptop, but I would be frozen in terror.

I think it would have been more appropriate to have the Denny's scene take place in the Frontier just a few blocks west, just because the show has frequently featured Albuquerque mainstays. Having said that, I don't think the Denny's sign as seen through the window exists in the real world. Also, that was quite a

My initial reaction to Victor's murder was that it was Gus's response to Walt's overwrought soliloquy. "How could you not expect retribution, blah blah blah." Gus wanted to show Walt how little murder meant to him. Slashing someone's throat is Gus's way of rolling his eyes.