
That's an interesting perspective. I was always taught there was only one way to worship God. That particular way was never appealing to me.

I spoke blasphemous things, yes.

I saw a roach, bleghhh

gotta go wash the dishes

dat monolith

strange movie, but I'm glad my teacher forced me to watch it back then lol

2001: A Space Odyssey

makes me think back to one of Kubrick's movies

it's really interesting

but that God is just another individual in a much superior alien species

like, we worship God as an almighty being

that God belongs in a greater species

believes that God could possibly simply be an alien of some sort

one of my favorite film directors, Stanley Kubrick

is God a figure? what kind of an entity is God?

holiest of holy, Jesus Christ's father, our father, long white robe, white hair, lol idk

that the real God isn't the way we think of God conventionally

but I sometimes lead myself to believe

I do like to believe that there is a God, still

can't prove, can't disprove