
I guess that makes me agnostic

I'm scared of committing to thinking that way

and if God doesn't exist, then what is our purpose in living?

now, I do sometimes question God's existence

then again, George Carlin is no ordinary comedian

I don't know why a comedian was the one able to get through to me on this

George Carlin emphasized this in one of his specials

but as we grow, we learn to question things

and I believed it

that kind of thinking's been hammered to my mind as a kid

I flap my wings in the clouds

and if I'm good enough, when I die

to take care of others

we were put in this Earth to take care of it

well, I used to look at it in a conventional, Catholic way

what happens to us when we die

about what our existence means

as far as what I believe

I feel like I'm all over the place trying to get to what I want to say

I think I should talk to someone about this lol