
I love to watch

I just love the sport so much

but I love other teams too

I'm a Lakers fan, for the most part

college hoops never interested me

it's just the NBA, mostly

oh well

so I was still uncool

where it became the only thing I could talk about

at the point of being a basketball nerd

however, I became too interested

so it was easy

it was something I was semi-interested in anyway

I had to develop interest in something that was a popular sport

I decided that for me to be less of an outcast

I realized that my interests in life at the time weren't really.. socially accommodated.

but as my adolescent years started approaching

I used to be just a casual fan

I'm a huge basketball fan.

Haha, nice. Certainly all ethnic groups have their own sets of jaw-droppingly beautiful women, but it seems more common for Caucasian women to be beautiful more than others for me. And yes, blondes help that cause a lot!