
Nice. And enjoy!

Katrina Law was/is amazing. I really detest the decision to kill her character off at the end of Vengeance. But maybe it was for the best, she was just going to linger once her and Sparty broke up.

and some have said that you can't help what you're attracted to

some people have told me so

is it racist to not be attracted to black women?

well, maybe I do

I don't want to make love to a ghost

I just sometimes wish they weren't so pale

I think their facial features are simply the most attractive and feminine

but for the most part, I'm attracted to Caucasian women

and most of them are petite

tanned skin

there was a time when I only loved Asian women

my taste of women fluctuates here and there

that would be glorious

despite my faults

but to just have a beautiful woman worship me

not to the point of rape, of course

I want to just dominate a woman

I can never see the signs