
I have to credit him for turning me into a cynical person

I've been watching some of George Carlin's specials lately

ugh, indulge in anything you like too much ends up becoming bad for you

I'm getting kidney stones later on

been drinking too much iced tea, probably

tummy hurts

just seems cheap

I don't want to spam though


for 5k

because I gotta talk about somethin'

wondering what to talk about

just sitting on the couch

I'm bored

LOL!! omfg, that was indeed one of the most intense episodes ever seen on TV, I think. I never liked the Cousins' storyline too much, but putting up with them just a little bit was a HUGE, HUUUUUGE, payoff down the road, and this episode is especially evident of that. A lesser show would make them the main villains of




might as well make it to 4100 though

I'm not feeling chatty atm, maybe later