
what else can I talk about?


even describing my whole trip to Arizona isn't gonna cover 1000 comments

so we actually have a ways to go, damn


the next number after 4099 is 4100, not 5000

y'know what, silly me.

I'd honestly love it if they just killed off the main characters already and we can watch a different group or something. At least put a different freaking perspective instead of forcing us to watch the same people be sad all the time.

That certainly seems like the most logical ending to all of this. Seems like it's what the showrunners are going for for their endgame. But they have to twist the knife just a bit more for a few more seasons probably.

I'll probably only watch it if a friend has the DVD or it comes up on a cable channel.

Gah, Spartacus really blew it with that pilot episode it seems. I think people were intrigued enough when they saw the promos for Spartacus before the pilot aired, right?

I haven't seen Man of Steel. It's not really something I'm psyched to watch either though.

I enjoy superhero movies myself. The Avengers was great because of what you mentioned; not taking itself too seriously and have the characters do fun stuff. Every comic book storyline is of course going to be silly, but the point is of course to immerse ourselves in their universe and put ourselves in their superhero

Spartacus, I mean.

Kind of bothers me how much under the radar this show is.

Something about it just bored me, idk

Well, I suppose it's not like I didn't finish watching cancelled shows before. The previously mentioned Rome had its moments and that show was cancelled. Thanks for the input, shewasthesun. If Deadwood is as terrific as I've heard, I should check it out sometime.

Is it accurate to say that TWD is probably a bit too realistic, even in its zombified universe? What I mean is that the doom and gloom looming over the show makes the characters realistically depressed over their mere existence. Like, I certainly think I would be acting like the way everyone in the show is acting if

Well, that's two people recommending it. I'm definitely checking it out then.

Well, I've seen the whole of Breaking Bad. Spectacular show, indeed. I've also seen Rome, due to popular word-of-mouth from brothers that watched Spartacus alongside us. Amazing first season finale, but it sucks that the looming cancellation glaringly affected the quality of the second season.