
I've seen Kill Them All a bunch of times already, and while the surprise factor is gone, the episode still gets me pumped up. The show did a fantastic job of building everything up to that moment when Crixus taps the shield and launched Spartacus into that balcony.

Haha, only thought of it after reading your short analysis on Shadow Games.

I'm almost inclined to agree with you. I haven't seen a TV episode as batshit insane and fully satisfying as the B&S finale yet, besides probably the show's own series finale. I just really loved Revelations though, and put it just slightly above Kill Them All.

This is actually starting to make me think that the Lucretia-Crixus love affair is the cause of everyone's demise in this show. That's freaking crazy.

I regret not reading this earlier. Excellent, excellent analysis. Nothing more to say.

I don't know. I guess it makes logical sense, as to how Spartacus felt he needed revenge on those who were responsible for Sura's tragic fate. The love that he had for Sura, where his soul practically died with her way before his actual end in Victory, is indeed admirable like you said.

Haha, I guess I should've said having *not yet* found a significant other to make me sound less.. old. I'm only 23.

Kind of funny how the season itself seem to parallel Spartacus' life as a gladiator. In a manner that as soon as Spartacus becomes champion, the show seemed to pick it up too on a champion level.

That would be my second favorite moment, behind Batiatus' commanding yell at Glaber.

Fantastic way to explain the moment.

A true injustice to the character.

Here would be mine. I'll also grade them the way this site rates their stuff.

Haha, I didn't see that. Sounds hilarious.

Just amazing. Out of all the killings that occurred in this massacre of an episode, I felt like Aurelia's murder of the young boy was the most vicious and brutal. I felt very, very scared of her.

Besides me, i dunno

To me, I simply could not ever see Batiatus as a villain, at least emotionally. I empathize with the man too much. Spent almost 20 episodes with the man - and I simply see him as a victim of the times. And although I sympathized with Spartacus' suffering under the hands of the Romans and slavery, I really couldn't

Great review. I wish this site made reviews of every episode of the B&S season already. There's no doubt in my mind this episode gets a solid A.

I think my favorite moment of the show, ever. Although I was completely frustrated with Glaber at that point as I'm sure is what Batiatus was feeling at the time, Batty finally just blowing up like that was still a complete surprise. Batiatus has had it at that point.

For all the faults of the GotA finale (in my opinion), I actually quite liked this development between Crixus and Ashur. In B&S, the first time we see Ashur, he walks with a limp and seemed to have burned his arm in the past. Ashur mentions that Crixus was actually responsible for the limp. Fast-forward (or rewind) to

That was an awesome exchange. Crixus had a comeback for almost every shot Ashur took at him. I missed this Crixus; the edgiest and most arrogant kind, easy to hate.