
Well, that's possibly giving too much credit to Ashur. I didn't think he would predict that Crixus would go after him and offend Glaber. Who knows though, maybe Ashur does deserve that credit.

I think someone else mentioned how everyone on the show seem to have great dental work even if they're in ancient times. When was toothpaste invented? Haha.

Well, in Revelations, what Batiatus tells Solonius in their final conversation makes sense, even with taking out the GotA context. Solonius has always not-so-subtly hit on his wife even in B&S, often in his presence too. It's also quite easy to tell that Solonius was starting to get jealous of Batiatus success with

Oh really? I did not expect that. From the trailers I've seen, I just expected like the entire population of Earth just going apeshit and turning on each other.

My friend just convinced me to watch it, since she's a big fan. I had nothing else to do, so I marathon watched it. TWD has its moments, but it really doesn't captivate me like other shows.

Too many things wrong with TWD. I find it exhausting to list all my complaints for it.

That pouty face bothered me to no end. She's developed in that one episode bonding with Carl, but she has a ways to go.

I think season 3 kind of went downhill when they decided to show Ghost Lori. I thought they should've ended the crazy Rick arc with that episode where Rick thinks he's talking to dead people on the phone.

I think I've figured it out for myself now.

I think she meant to describe Solonius with that one. And I think she said the man *stared* with his teeth. It's hilarious because that seems to describe exactly how Solonius smiles!

That line kind of bothered me after seeing GotA. We now know that Batiatus and Solonius were practically the best of friends, and we now know that Solonius has seen firsthand how dangerously ambitious his former friend is.

Breaking Bad's first season isn't anything to write home about in my opinion. Season 2 starts to pick up the slack, and by season 3 and further, the story becomes golden.

You're our workhorse.

The ones I follow closely with a dramatized plot like Spartacus are Breaking Bad, Justified, Sons of Anarchy, and The Walking Dead. I've finished watching The Sopranos, and I was going through The Shield episodes, but I've kind of lost interest. I used to be more of a movie buff than a TV couch potato, but interests

That makes sense. Batiatus was chivalrous beyond his time.

Well, we've seen times where the two of them have made sexual contact with people other than themselves. Their mutual participation in a threesome with Lucretia's friend Gaia, the most notable. Batiatus has had intercourse with slaves and I remember a scene where Naevia touches Lucretia in her womanly parts.

On the surface, there's no doubt he can portray himself as a great politician. I'm just wondering if he'll continue his scheming ways beneath the surface; certainly something I wouldn't put behind him. Then again, 'dirty' and 'politician' are words made for each other, haha.

Well, he did give the poisoning of Crixus a go, so I'm pretty sure he cares about who wins in the champion matchup. Certainly a self-serving purpose for sure, but he definitely favors Spartacus of the two.

A good show makes you think of the what ifs.

They had a promising future..