
Yeah, that's a better word; crowded. That muddies the search for the cause of everything sometimes.

A lot of secrets spilled with this one. A lot of .. REVELATIONS! *dun dun dun*


Oh, right. I forgot she was naked in that scene.

The show never made me root against Batiatus in any way. I was a sympathizer all the way. I honestly kinda wish the rebellion had never happened, to be honest. Him lording over that ludus is so intriguing.

We learn that Batiatus had always known that Lucretia is cheating on him with Crixus. So.. maybe if Batty had spoken up a little earlier about it?

Actually, her first appearance was when Lucretia had a lineup of all the slave women wearing masks, and Licinia picked the mask that she was wearing. Her mask was taken off, and we see a close-up of astonishing beauty.

Glad you liked it!

The nostalgia is powerful on this one. Real powerful.

This show made great finales.. and middle-of-the-pack episodes. I still get goosebumps about how brutal the B&S finale was. It was a true game changer. Rocked my fuckin' world when watching it.

"Tell me you aren't the serpent I thought you were." - Titus

Oh no, not another Random Spartacus Analysis:

But then again, almost everyone dies on the show. Hmm.

I guess it's different for me, because I totally fell in love with her the moment she showed up on-screen the first time. Just for her enthralling beauty in the beginning. The love deepened once we see her genuine feelings for Spartacus, and then she makes the case for being one of the most magnificent characters on

It worked because he also played the audience. At least he did me.

I've mentioned it's my favorite episode. Enjoy. :)

Yep. I fell in love when he had that smirk after coming back to Batiatus' side.

Psh. I'm on team Mira. Sura can go die. Wait. >:D

That might've been quote of the fucking show for me. A double entendre in the most emphatic way.

I almost feel like it's harder to pick villains on this show that can't be empathized with. I think it was the pressures of conforming to Roman society being the true evil.