Straighten the Rug

I think you bring up some valid points. I understand people's problem with the "Saint John" portrayal, I really do. The man certainly had his problems. But I think some people go a little too far in the other direction to "correct" history. He wasn't a saint, but he wasn't a complete asshole either. The truth is

Honestly, probably a little of both.

Thank you for the personal attack, it's nice to know we can debate these kinds of issues openly without resorting to insults. We're not animals after all.

I am curious as to how exactly we should go about shaming these groups of people you mentioned. Should we amend the law so that for these particular crimes, shaming is automatically included in the sentencing?

Ah, I see Winston. You live in a world where you get to both misrepresent someone's original point, and accuse them of being thin-skinned when they call you out on it.

Thank you for understanding my point, and for capitalizing the letters ok, so that some of the more simple-minded folks out there could understand it too.

"John Lennon—who would’ve turned 73 on Wednesday—has ascended into pop-cultural saintdom: more the peace-loving, sensitive soul who gave the world “Imagine,” less the prickly asshole who basically ignored his first-born son."

Fair enough.  Those were the first few people I thought of.  Feel free to replace him with the poorly-behaved musician of your choosing.  Trust me, it won't take long.

Closer to the second one.  It doesn't feel right to single out one man's flaws for public scorn, not when other people who've done bad get a pass.

James Brown: beat his wife, committed armed robbery, assaulted a police officer - "He's the Godfather of Soul!"