Yeah, it's not because of Brooklyn that Sasha's been getting cheered.
Yeah, it's not because of Brooklyn that Sasha's been getting cheered.
If I was Vince I would continue to mail The Rock solid gold bars for everything he's done, is doing, and will do for the WWE.
This is why you can't just have a stock story and fill in the characters as you please. You need to write the show AROUND the personalities of the performers, not vice-versa.
I'm a little worried they see Becky as a filler feud for Charlotte like Punk was to Cena in January of '11. Not sure if backstage is sold on her yet. Don't want to see Sasha-Charlotte at Mania while Becky twiddles her thumbs backstage. She deserves a big championship win.
With as many injuries as they had lately, the EC probably looks slightly less safe than a Russian Roulette themed PPV.
Kidd is lucky to be alive. He had an injury around the area Christopher Reeve did.
I also think they let Rock do what he wants (his segment definitely wasn't TV-PG). If Adam Rose said half of what The Rock said, he'd be on a plane back to South Africa in a second.
Jeez, no sympy for Big Show even after that recent SB Nation article?
What's odd is Jimmy Uso (whoever is married to Naomi) has a ton of personality on UpUpDownDown and other behind-the-scene shows. I think they need to let them play back with the New Day and give them some of their own pranks or whatever.
Eh, The Rock's not married, and I think there's some separation between Dwayne Johnson and The Rock. Kind of like how Dean never acknowledges dating Renee onscreen.
Well to be fair, it IS determined by the fans. So thirtysomething dudes on the internet might not like the Usos, but somebody does.
Yeah, Austin was the guy you were and Rock was the guy you wished you could be.
Becky and Sasha are really expressive. Unless you're making a sexual pun.
I just remember him posting shit way back during the Correia fight. God knows if he used the overdone Chris Tucker-from-Friday meme after the last one.
Wonder how the interaction was between Che and Rousey, because based on his Instagram he kinda hates her.
I think Dan Harmon has said he first thought he was a Jeff, until he became an Abed, then maybe in a moment of self-reflection had that Buzz-Abed moment.
I think Chelsea's standup special was really good, I'd appreciate her co-creating a show and having someone sort of be a "tempering" influence to sort of keep her tone in check. I think she goes into "intentionally annoying" way too often.
Ah, my mistake. I knew it was something like that though.
That's okay, haters gonna hate.
Sort of offtopic, but I read that Emily V. Gordon is writing for this show now, and I thought "well… is she a comic, though?" Don't get me wrong, she seems great and cool and she's a former therapist which is awesome but, I don't really remember anything she's done without Kumail where I've burst into laughter.