alan smithee

It wouldn't surprise me if "Yesterday's Enterprise" was an influence on Buffy's "The Wish" and other alternate reality episodes, although I think I remember Whedon and co. specifically citing "Days of Future Past" from the Uncanny X-Men comics as the most direct inspiration for their version of a grim alternate

Yeah, I don't know why, but that ending creeped me out way more than it should have.

Yeah, the use of the incoherent term "islamofascists" made me cringe too. I'd like to think it's implausible that smart intelligence analysts would traffic in such drivel, but maybe it's more realistic than I'd like to admit. In any case, it seemed like a moment more appropriate for "24".

Asgard looks a little too high tech
I always preferred a more "realistic" looking depiction of Asgard (i.e. fantasy versions of real world Norse architecture) over the technicolor version full of gleaming metallic towers that look like they belong on an alien homeworld from Star Trek (and yes, I realize criticizing a

The sub scenario works better if Smokey is trying to get one of the candidates to set off the bomb (presuming that Jack is right and it wouldn't just go off on its own). If they're on the plane then presumably they just find a way to chuck the bomb off the plane (I know depressurization from opening the door could

I enjoyed the note in the cage from "A.B." - don't go, we appreciate you Annie's Boobs!

Yeah, I'm no legal expert, but I'm under the impression that if you invite the police into your home it has legal implications for your fourth amendment rights.

Jack seeing Christian at the hospital (after the smoke detector goes off) could be a Hurley style talk with the dead, or whatever, but I doubt it's a drug induced hallucination because if I remember correctly Jack wasn't popping pills yet when that happened. In fact, didn't he get the prescription from a fellow doctor

It would be sort of a downer if Jin and Sun turn out to be Adam and Eve, considering it would mean little Ji-Yeon would never see her parents again (of course she's never seen her father in the first place)

I think Joey Joe Joe Jr Shabbadu's mediocre fajita theorem just conclusively proved that the alternaverse is, in fact, evil.

Don Icognito, until you mentioned it I didn't even realize the significance of that scene, with it being the first time Jack had seen NotLocke (although now that I think about it, they did make a point of reminding us just a few weeks ago in Ab Eterno that Locke's non-corpse status was news to Jack). I guess there's

I just realized that Walt's appearance before Shannon in the rain would count as an apparition of someone who is still alive, but I've been assuming that was not a manifestation of Smokey, but rather a whole different phenomenon.

I agree with Dino (and Lone Audience) on Smokey being able to take the form of people just by reading memories (no on-island corpse needed), with the possible caveat that even when using the flashy brain scan method, he can still only take the form of people who have died (like Eko's victims that haunted him in the

"Deserved hate for Sheets"? That's crazy talk! Little Dawn, Me and Mia, Counting Down the Hours- that's 3 top notch songs right there. I can see someone not considering it to be his best album, but hating it? I hope my sarcasm/hyperbole meter is just malfunctioning.

Alex's backpack
Am I seeing things, or was that a Confederate Flag on Alex's backpack (seen as Ben watches her walk away after the last scene in the Principal's office)? I thought I also saw a Mexican flag too. Just seemed a little odd.

I largely agree with DTH's points above, but pardon me for going off topic to quibble with one thing: do we really not consider an income of $150,000-200,000 to be "upper class" these days? I mean, that would put the earner in the top 5% (at least) of all US households. I know there's a big difference between earning