Gerrit Verstoep

The boys couldn't stand voting for the woman who beat them because they knew they were better than her and Tai was simply a betrayer of their fraternity.

Joe, the amazing dreamcolor flop!

Well, urine luck because Caleb likes to refer to himself as the 'Beast-mode Cowboy'.

Chin up. It only gets worse from here.

A big bad boring waste of time. I am so sorry that I forced myself to watch the entire 10 hours simply in hope that something important would transpire. It didn't.

This series is turning out to be a major disappointment. Boring performances, snail-paced direction, dialogue spoken really slow and absolutely no relatable characters; it's nothing but a dark soap opera with decreasing payoff as the series goes on. I've invested so much time already getting through to episode seven,

Matt Damon didn't feel there was a need for Asian diversity in front of the cameras because they made the Sony cameras used to shoot the film.

Titus Welliver looks so much like James Nesbitt, I keep expecting him to speak with a Scottish accent.

Hey dude, if you want to be writer, submit your script and see if they'll accept it. It's their story, not yours and how they're telling it, isn't bothering me at all.

This is becoming "Person Of Red's Interest" very quickly but not even half as good.

Oy, oy, oy, it should oui, oui, oui.

It's not only actors. It's becoming increasingly obvious that Americans aren't good enough to host their own TV shows. Else, why would Simon Cowell spend so much time trying to find a suitable replacement for Steve Jones (who went over like spoilt marmalade)?

I keep thinking this is the one show that hires all the contestants from 'Face Off'.