
I like how Padma was just transparently against Kristen because she's pretty, and goddamn it, Padma is the ONLY PRETTY PERSON ALLOWED ON THIS SHOW!

Maybe the whole cast and crew from the original went Galt.

Maybe the whole cast and crew from the original went Galt.

Annie's grunt impression of Blade was probably the funniest thing she's done in the show.

@Kyle, I actually ran into D.W. Moffett in Los Angeles, and I swear, I almost socked him. My wife and I were getting coffee when he showed up at the shop with his kid. I couldn't remember who he was, so I just sat there glaring at him, while he had a really earnest conversation with his kid about the dangers of

Can we discuss how creepy Ray Wise is?

This review is what made me stop trusting AV Club book reviews. This book was horrible. It was like a crappier version of John LeCarre. Honestly, this book read like Stephenson decided he wanted to write a trashy, airport novel to make a couple bucks. Hell, even if you did like the book, to suggest that it warrants an

Phonte's album this year was great. Cunninglynguists also.

For reals. Their lit reviews are ranging between worthless and offensive.

Do you get bat repellent?

I've been poisoned by my constituents!


Does she shill for cotton in the pilot? I think she should have to sing that whole song in black face.

You know what would make this show better? If it were funny. I mean, at all.

White guy problems.

I refuse to watch the Whitney solely due to the horrible bus ads they have all over LA. The silent treatment is a reward, not a punishment? You don't say! Oh, Whitney, such come-uppance.

Hey, they haven't rated Breaking Bad yet! How am I to know whether I should show this to my child?

I will only watch this if he plays the world's SECOND analrapist.