
"and the episode’s one-off villain, Lonnie Machin"

Ra's isn't traditionally Arabic though. He's part-Chinese and grew up in an ancient culture so it's really up to his creators to decide.

"Alicia sees right through his bullshit and calls him on it."

Diane has a really interesting home life and Baranski can carry an episode. Would be great to see more of that.

Something that has been bugging me about this episode and two weeks ago's "Dear God" is that The Good Wife refuses to commit to spotlighting any character other than Alicia. This episode flirted with the idea of showing everything from Elsbeth's perspective only to flutter back and forward. Two weeks ago the first ten

From Robert King on Twitter:

Lego is a real word.

"Finn Polmar is making for an excellent recurring guest star"

The AV Club
…yeah, American Dad did it better.

"and CBS seems anxious to keep viewers around now that its handsome male lead has bitten the dust"

I feel really disappointed by this episode - not because it's particularly worse than any of the other episodes this season - but because it had the potential to be so much better but couldn't live up to it.


I have nothing constructive to add, just wanted to comment to show my support for this hell of a show!

This is my first time back watching the show after the subpar pilot.

"The other thing, though, is that Grant’s case is also a profoundly unsettling story—the story of the attorney who is either blind or uninterested in the truth that his client is extremely guilty. I credit “Dramatics, Your Honor” with not coming down on one side or the other with Grant’s guilt—that last scene with the

Sonja's character was a big client of Diane's from like the second season.

Don't forget Will has an army of incredibly annoying and invasive sisters that probably significantly impacts his thinking. He clearly has a tricky relationship with women - he's no misogynist - but he's clearly wary of being burned by women in both a romantic and professional sense and does whatever he thinks he can

How exactly was the lizard cutaway transphobic? The only people who should be offended by it are the folks who did CG on The Amazing Spiderman, because they were clearly outclassed in human-lizard combination design.

Vogel's not the Brain Surgeon. They specifically showed that she isn't.

The reveal was not Vogel as the Brain Surgeon, she received a piece of Zach's brain in the ending montage and was looking in horror not glee.