
Thank you Tom S. Finally, let's get some god damned answers to these burning questions.


Reformed Gangsters
Are the best Gangsters.

Trying to fight the urge
of filing a failed firstie.

I see no explosions.

So, "Hurlesque" then?

You sexist, racist bastard.

And the use of the word "star."

And you have an overabundance of U's in your but.

I think we're being a little harsh. I mean, who among us hasn't thought: "this man is about to attack me, so I should repeatedly stab my wife, because if that's what I'm going to do to HER, imagine what I'm going to do to HIM." That's just logic, people.

The Seaward.

I'm confused as to how a stylish and exciting pile-up of cool kills, hot bodies, and other unprocessed bits of juvenilia can do anything BUT add up to a good time.

The American, Fuck Yeah!

The only confusion springs from the grade, I imagine. The game sounds short and poorly constructed, but gets a "B -".

Krakauer on Colbert
He just fucking nailed that interview. That was awesome.

I was hoping for more Dwight support than I've seen here so far, which is disappointing. I think he's evolved more than he's given credit for, as before he was always licking Michael's bootheels and doing his laundry, now he's completely dismissive of Michael as a manager and is dying to take down Jim and claim the

My 360 got the red rings of death recently, and in a fit of desperation, I dug out Starcraft on the N64. The game still holds up. Can't wait to try this version.

Only if you shared a needle with Rambo.

In other news, this looks good.

The old identical repeat firstie post. Classic.