
Maybe this is me reading too much into it, but I felt like the strongest undercurrent theme of this episode was developing an addiction to instantly gratifying activities in response to depression or monotony, and it really struck me as one of the deepest and most interesting episodes I've seen from the show. I saw a

Agreed- and does anyone else think that the show may just end with literally everyone dying, Hamlet-style?

As much as I understand where you're coming from, and I admit that a lack of sympathy for Walt now is definitely the more objectively morally justified point of view, I can't help but still feel a great deal of sympathy for him, and I'd even guess that it may be the writer's intention to leave us with some semblance

The 'people zoo' thing is from Slaughterhouse Five, though it may have also been done by Twilight Zone.

@avclub-1534b76d325a8f591b52d302e7181331:disqus that's a really cool idea, and totally what I was thinking-  unfortunately, my inner grammar nazi is getting the better of me: it's "raison d'être".

Anyone else think that this is an horrible, non-catchy, grossly over-autotuned piece of junk?  That sounds harsh, I know, but I've kind of come to expect more distinguished tastes from the A.V. Club, I can't believe they would endorse something this terrible… or am I the only one?

Someone compiled a Twitter of all of the newbies' tears/anger/disgust towards the Wedding, and it's kind of hilarious- https://twitter.com/redwedd…

Did anyone else happen to notice that Tom and Julia's song was the theme song to her weird affair last season? Also, as a side note, I think the little oboe solos in that song were probably the most enjoyable thing that I've heard in the entire show, which is sort of unfortunate considering that they were about three

Yeah, I made the mistake of writing this before I had finished the episode, and I didn't expect a Shae/Tyrion scene in this episode, but watching it, I can see how he's going to make it progress a little bit differently, with the same ending.

Does anyone know if GRRM has given any hints about what direction he's going to take on Shae and Tyrion in the series, because it definitely seems like he's moving it in a different direction than he did in the books (or is he just trying to make it sort of surprising in the series)?

Is the 'popular fan theory' about Robb and Talisa he's referring to her possibly being a Lannister spy, or am I missing something?