
What can I do with $5? Buy a bullet and rent a gun!

He's got the "munchies" for a California cheeseburger.

Yeah I guess you're right, you are definitely correct in saying that ios users obviously have the cash. But there are those of us sitting here with our G2s and our S5s going "okay we've got the hardware, now what?" I guess my point is that game developers have been developing PC games for ages, probably the biggest

Can you dig it?

Something's wrong with this live stream.
How do you fast forward?

Mother, tell your children to go watch Don Jon.

Android version with touch interface please. So sick of all these games getting remade for iOS even though android is the more popular platform. Its kind if a pain getting it running now through ResidualVM.

Mom! My potato is eating a carrot!

Obviously the bigger problem is that they're apparently filming on the island from Lost.

Lobot. Lobot! Bring back Sheriff Lobot!

When I grow up I'm going to Bovine University!