
Although I've never watched Columbo or listened to "The Columbo Podcast", one of the hosts of "War Rocket Ajax" is a pretty big fan and has recommended "Just One More Thing" on multiple occasions. Just seems like something that might interest you.

Even though they've already done it, I would absolutely kill to see them do an episode on Taco Bell with Dan Ryckert from Giant Bomb. I feel like that would be an absolutely unhinged episode given Dan's well known and deeply abiding love for the Big Bell and his recent attempt to order and rate every item Taco Bell

Saw Mockingjay Pt. 2, The Night Before, and SPECTRE over the break. Of the three The Night Before was easily the strongest although I thought that Mockingjay was pretty good as well.

Picked up Dead Space on last week's Deals with Gold and finally started it up last night for about an hour or so. Got about midway through the 2nd chapter or so and I'm really digging it. The atmosphere in that game is pretty great and I freaking love the Plasma Cutter. I think it may become one of my favorite