That was just CRAZY fun. Loved all the high-profile guest stars who lost their heads and the two leads have a nice, snappy chemistry.
That was just CRAZY fun. Loved all the high-profile guest stars who lost their heads and the two leads have a nice, snappy chemistry.
I haven't! Need to put it on my to-see-very-soon list.
I'm a huge Hiddleston fan but the directorial choices in HV really undermined his performance (though ever so pretty to look at, he was. Aye, indeedy).
I get sick and tired of people who can only seem to communicate in quotes from stuff we all thought was great when we were teenagers. Yes, we get it, guys. You watched the show/movie/whatever. It was hilarious! We had good times together and quoting shit made us laugh all over again, but you know what?
I suppose the BBC could hype it, but that seems unlikely considering the show airs on ITV.
This isn't like Firefly where there's this hope of reviving VM as some kind of new super-hit. This is a film funded by and made for the fans. It will do well enough to justify its existence and all the fans who own the DVDs of the series will buy the movie, too. It's obviously a labor of love for the cast and creator,…
*bursts into tears!*
That looks more like the Haystack Throne to me.
Speaking as an ex-Protestant who so identified, you are wrong. Strict adherence to denominations is fairly out of date. There are certain stalwarts but even then you have people who are Lutheran and then move and go to a non-denominational or Methodist or whatever Protestant church. Minor differences in dogma matter…
Yes, but I cited the play I meant.
Jesus, I hate this spoiled little brat and his useless entourage of Shakespeare's Richard II-level enablers.
*sigh* Yes, the fact that we both see things differently obviously makes the person who isn't you deliberately obtuse. You can easily hate the one-off bad guys and hand-wave the group but such an approach will forever treat the symptom and never touch the disease. I'm not obtuse because I get what you're saying (which…
@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus I'm not sure why you're hung up on this. If you've read my comments, you'll see I've never said — nor am I attempting to say — that only religious assholes commit group badness. I'm frankly confused as to who you are arguing that point with because it certainly isn't me!
No, it isn't. Target the ways hateful people organize. Call the good religious people out on the bullshit that is them allowing their beliefs to be used in this way by evil people. The higher up you go so as not to offend anyone, the less specific and effective anti-bigotry becomes. People must be made personally…
@avclub-da518aecddbf5c94588f53562012c452:disqus Yes, they are. Their entire history includes a strong streak of anti-non-Protestants and is rooted in American (white, obvs) Protestant bigotry. Much of their symbolism and ceremonial bullshit is religious.
@persia2:disqus Eh, you're right. They are as religious as the KKK so that's a wash. But again, that was an argument he made with a point I hadn't made ("religious groups are the ONLY bad guys" which I never said nor meant) and that kind of bingo-card arguing rather belies his disinterest as an advocate.
Oh, are you just an angel's advocate? How nice for the religious people to have someone so concerned for their beleaguered, running-everything-but-somehow-still-super-oppressed status!
Religious people are soooo touchy.
Yeah, but it's also like a religion allows the assholes to organize and focus their assholery into life-changing laws that affect everyone — especially everyone's genitals.