
I want to shoot everyone who thinks "X characters are secretly related!" or "it was all a dream!" is in any way clever. Thinking like that is why we can't have nice things.

*face-palm to @avclub-1b2d6b1019c17cecf8a00e29fc75af6b:disqus *

The misreading of this article is simply stunning. The theory is she died after her phone call with Don when he was in California, not that she's been dead since season's start.

Not sure why so many people are interpreting this as "DEAD THE WHOLE SEASON!! OMG!!!11!" instead of "dead since that cross-continental phone call which took place in this episode" which is the actual not-crazy, not-un-Mad-Men-like theory being proposed.

I think the relationship definitely is and if she dies, I won't be surprised, but the initial gloom last season seemed to point to Don and it ended up being Lane (though by this point in the season, I think it was obviously Lane to viewers).

I don't think this means that at all — it would just mean the foreshadowing was building up to Megan's demise much like all the suicide imagery last year built up to Lane's suicide (which was not due to a long fall in spite of all the elevator shenanigans).

This seems far-fetched but it actually makes sense when you look at it in context of what's been happening this season chez Draper. Lots of sirens just outside the window, a random break-in by a stranger, the city going to hell all around, Megan being shown as more and more brittle and uncertain about everything in

I'm really glad that the 15+ years completely neglected power grids of the entire world and internal wiring of all buildings everywhere were 100% up to the sudden return of power. And that apparently no one thought to switch anything off during the first hours of the blackout to prevent power surges when the power

Paranoia Agent just blew my mind every single episode. Brilliant and funny and horrifying and gorgeous. It's a shame that it apparently hasn't been reissued in North America, at least, since the wonderful Geneon kicked it.

Hey, LOTS of planets have an East End.

"Guardians of the Galaxy was 100 actors jockeying for position while we all waited for the raccoon."

I hated the way Mickey was treated by Nine and Ten and Rose. One of the things I like best about Eleven is that he isn't territorial and jealous towards other boys.

Well, to be fair, it was all India for a long time under British rule until 1947 when they did their little partition number and ambled away, sure that creating a single country out of two parts of a third country which took up the hundreds of miles the two parts were separated by was totes going to work out fine.

Cannot decide if Monroe is The Best at Not Being Killed or if everyone else is just The Worst at Killing Him.

He could just remake Moonstruck.

Well, the power went out and he didn't have anything else to do for 15 years…

Maybe my bar is just set incredibly low, but I'm enjoying the show still. I mean, yeah, all your points are valid but this show had THE WORST pilot ever — a pilot that had me saying *repeatedly* to the friend I was recapping it for, "And that isn't the stupidest part!" — and it's still somehow a watchable show (Billy

That's a satire site and the article was, ironically, originally posted on Friday. In a fit of meta-satire, they have now retracted their story.

I'll remember him from his near-constant presence on MTV in the 80s. I think they only had to open a door somewhere in the studio for him to launch into homily on Jim Morrison.

Yay, snogging!