
Great review, Myles. I'm glad David's DVR was a jerk.

Oh, I couldn't disagree more. I loved this episode and thought it worked great and resolved the Clara story beautifully. I LOVED River's inclusion and how it gave her a real, emotional send-off worthy of the Doctor's wife (even if she might pop up again at some future point). I cried during their "until next time"

Add me to the Katie Cassidy Original Ruby fanclub. When I first saw her in that role, I yelled "Black Canary!" because she was an awesome blonde demon-slaying bad ass. I do wish they'd chosen a bit more of an edge for Laurel and I do hope they're actually going to make her Black Canary eventually, but I've liked her

@avclub-c701a997d9bef627835b036efb4eca63:disqus I'm not disagreeing with @LurkyMcLurkerson:disqus at all — it's just that I see it as something of a rhetorical question. I mean, I think most can agree that tastes differ so attractiveness is relative and that original Merida is attractive. 
Why she — an established


Well, first of all, I think Hotel was making a joke and I'm not sure we can extrapolate his or her actual aesthetics from a single comment.

Maybe he's the Zeppo?

Yep, I love that. They mentioned Ferris the first time the plane came up a few (2?) episodes ago, too.

This was the best season finale I've seen yet this year. It ended or game-changed so many of its ongoing arcs in such a fearless way, I was gob-smacked. Great, great wrap to an excellent first season.

More attractive according to the narrow sensibilities of some.

You aren't even the only one in this episode's comments who thinks that.

Okay, so no one else's first thought when Nora landed in Monroe's hands was that she was the mole?

I see Jack Donaghy's plan to tank the network is still in operation.

*the CW koffs*

All these years later, I am still deeply bitter about the destruction-by-retooling of comics-company-based sitcom Bob. I loved the hell out of that show before its destruction.

Okay, thanks. I meant "never told" about the abortion which I misremembered. I did kind of think at the time that she was not quite honest in that but that's my interpretation that she actually had an abortion and was pretending it had been a miscarriage.

Ah, right. Thanks.

I really don't think so. He's never had any problem dumping women he was done with. He was really shocked when she dumped him. That was not what he was going for at all.

Yes, she did, but she had an abortion because she was afraid it would ruin her marriage and her career. She never told Don. That's what she and Sylvia discussed a few episodes back.