That's the worst ad campaign I've ever seen. Should David Spade have starred in that film?
That's the worst ad campaign I've ever seen. Should David Spade have starred in that film?
But Troi's cheerleader outfits were at least somewhat functional. She could move in them properly if she had to. Kitten heels (while fantastic to look at) are completely crazy. Would they even exist in the future outside of space strip clubs?
Damn. Went all Shakespeare on me—hard to argue with that.
Those classic Frakes looks… Gotta love 'em.
If he could only get through Nightbird…
Someone recently pointed out to me the fact that the character's outfits all had high heels. The tight outfits I feel they can explain away—but the heels? That's just crazy.
Completely agree. Those segments are rarely funny. Hell, I wouldn't mind if he just ditched the whole character and gave the reviews in a normal voice.
Picard should have rocked a solid hockey wig.
But you'll spend forty minutes reading other nerds' opinions on the same film?
Those defending the merits of this horrible, horrible film need to watch the following video:…
It's hilarious and explains, in grim detail, why it sucks.