Yankee Deer

Dibs on "freedome" for my forthcoming conscious hip-hop collective.

Dibs on "freedome" for my forthcoming conscious hip-hop collective.

Smooth move, Sherlock.

Smooth move, Sherlock.

Strike "wears" — presto! Poetry.

Strike "wears" — presto! Poetry.

….this above comment in the voice of famous movie cowboy Sam Elliott, for instance.

….this above comment in the voice of famous movie cowboy Sam Elliott, for instance.

Right there, right then, yes.

Right there, right then, yes.

Perhaps the meaninglessness of life is the meaning, the Plato's Cave of Nic Cage's Cage the act of substitution by which the merely human becomes more human than human, as outlined in that one song.

Perhaps the meaninglessness of life is the meaning, the Plato's Cave of Nic Cage's Cage the act of substitution by which the merely human becomes more human than human, as outlined in that one song.

A tree falls in the forest and shatters into a cage and Nic Cage explodes out of that cage. He rebuilds the cage and herds us into the cage and makes us watch Nic Cage movies projected onto trees. This, my friends, in a nutshell, is life.

A tree falls in the forest and shatters into a cage and Nic Cage explodes out of that cage. He rebuilds the cage and herds us into the cage and makes us watch Nic Cage movies projected onto trees. This, my friends, in a nutshell, is life.

That was truly the bellwether moment when America discovered it had transitioned from an agricultural to a service economy, with all the attendant corn-related gullibilities entailed by such a shift.

That was truly the bellwether moment when America discovered it had transitioned from an agricultural to a service economy, with all the attendant corn-related gullibilities entailed by such a shift.

Les chins andalous, mais oui.

Les chins andalous, mais oui.

Hey it's harsh realm but somebody's gotta point out the cob nobblers and lamestains, otherwise the scene's gonna get all tom-tom club when you're swingin' on the flippity-flop.

Hey it's harsh realm but somebody's gotta point out the cob nobblers and lamestains, otherwise the scene's gonna get all tom-tom club when you're swingin' on the flippity-flop.