Yankee Deer

*calliope music plays*

A sort of mythical ur-douche, hopping from band to band, spreading musical awfulness like a frosted-tip imp of the perverse…. it's possible, all too possible.

A sort of mythical ur-douche, hopping from band to band, spreading musical awfulness like a frosted-tip imp of the perverse…. it's possible, all too possible.

So it falls to me to emblazon your mind with an abomination that can't be unseen, the following two words, avert your eyes before it's too late, don't say I didn't warn you, internet…..

So it falls to me to emblazon your mind with an abomination that can't be unseen, the following two words, avert your eyes before it's too late, don't say I didn't warn you, internet…..

That's what she said…… NOT!

That's what she said…… NOT!

The concept of there being country-specific subordinates of the main Most Interesting guy who team up to form a Most Interesting superteam that goes on Most Interesting Adventures is blowing my dome just a smidge.

The concept of there being country-specific subordinates of the main Most Interesting guy who team up to form a Most Interesting superteam that goes on Most Interesting Adventures is blowing my dome just a smidge.

Penicillin shots dispensed before basic training, after basic training, and most certainly during basic training, sweet lord have mercy.

Penicillin shots dispensed before basic training, after basic training, and most certainly during basic training, sweet lord have mercy.

Zeppelin = Hill. Nazi Faces = Boulder. Face Punching = Rolling, act of.

Zeppelin = Hill. Nazi Faces = Boulder. Face Punching = Rolling, act of.

Man the Pennsylvania Dutch weren't kidding with that whole "New Amsterdam" deal. I can only assume this means Amish Country is a rolling 24/7 candlelit orgy.

Man the Pennsylvania Dutch weren't kidding with that whole "New Amsterdam" deal. I can only assume this means Amish Country is a rolling 24/7 candlelit orgy.

Siddhartha was a huge Bubble Yum guy, so it can't be that one.

Siddhartha was a huge Bubble Yum guy, so it can't be that one.

Good luck! In all seriousness I like your method here — get to the top and enjoy the views; you can regulate the strenuousness of the hike and have cool stuff to see.

Good luck! In all seriousness I like your method here — get to the top and enjoy the views; you can regulate the strenuousness of the hike and have cool stuff to see.

When you reach the summit there's a small cabin occupied by a former Cadillac CEO with a long gray beard and if you answer his riddles correctly you win a car. Something like that?