
Her > Django Unchained > Mad Max: Fury Road > The Grand Budapest Hotel > Moonlight

30 from me!

1. Veep, "Mother" (30)
2. Person of Interest, "The Day the World Went Away" (25)
3. Rectify, "All I'm Sayin'" (25)
4. The Girlfriend Experience, "Blindsided" (25)
5. Bojack Horseman, "Fish Out of Water" (25)
6. Horace and Pete, "Episode 9" (15)
7. The People v OJ Simpson, "Marcia Marcia Marcia" (15)
8. Game of Thrones, "The

Let's just say that two of my polar bear friends are stuck on ice floes in the middle of the sea but this was the most concerning news of the week.

@avclub-9293e2662d706845a23fcbdd071a1f2f:disqus I read the tweet.


If you'd like. What are your thoughts?

Now You See Me is utter trash. What a blight on cinema.

Yeah, they're pervasive, and the only purpose they really serve is to creep out the audience. The movie keeps going back to them because it doesn't have anything else to do.

In this bear's humble opinion, it was not very good. It started off fine—solid atmosphere building, nice visuals, great score—but then it quickly became clear that Verbinski had no idea what the hell the point of the story was. The "lapses in logic, lengthy detours, and plot holes" Dowd mentioned were bad enough to

Wow that means a lot coming from you, thank you.

^ I also like when SBT posts reviews

It wasn't as fun as when I still lived in the Arctic.

I really wish Chicago was as heavy of a premiere/celebrity/advance screening haven as New York and LA. The formative years of my life would've been improved by at least 23%.

I agree, it was definitely a surprisingly great movie, but as is the case with most things, I'm also not sure it needs a sequel. Glad to see it's being received well, though.

I will in two hours if I can find the motivation to go but I am really leaning toward being lazy. Did you like the first one?


A CURE FOR WELLNESS: I have no idea what Gore Verbinski is doing with this film, but it's an admirable and fairly interesting attempt. It's also bad. The first half of it plays out like you'd expect, with the main character figuring out what the hell he got himself into as he's faced with a lineup of horrors. The

A Cure for Wellness: Not really sure what Verbinski was going for here, but this was definitely 2.5 hours of wasted potential. The cinematography and score were great, and I really enjoyed the setup - the ideas were thought provoking and the atmosphere was unsettling. Then, something (I'm not sure what) happened, and

It's a bad movie but I must say, it is also quite fun.