beep boop

This book is boring the shit out of me.

I think you've over estimated the quality of the pilot. Like so many others, I think I have to file this under "want to like, can't".

Which of your favorite characters is Richard Harrow going to murder next week? Tune in to find out.

Which of your favorite characters is Richard Harrow going to murder next week? Tune in to find out.

This is topical humor and I like it.

This is topical humor and I like it.

Speaking of inconsistencies in time, Ros was in Winterfell in ep6, but already in King's Landing in ep7. Supposed to take a month to ride that distance. I think she said she was sailing down, but how much time was supposed to have passed between these episodes? Based on what was happening in KL, didn't seem like much,

I think she expects to rule the kingdoms herself with Joffrey as her puppet king. If you recall their conversation about controlling Winterfell in episode 3, I think, Joffrey is pretty impressionable with respect to his mother's suggestions.