Jack Shepharderouacwhite

Also what we need here in the US are the Mrs. H.S. Balls' Chutney flavored chips that they have in South Africa. The first time I bought them was, naturally, because I laughed at "Balls". In an awesome turn of events they ended up being delicious, although I'm not entirely sure how much they actually taste like balls.

Not Zach, Zack. Sorry, Zack.

I just saw Up tonight, after reading this thread earlier today and finding out the aforementioned spoiler/not-really-a-spoiler. At first, I was a little pissed to find out the reason that Carl moved the house, but after seeing the movie, and fucking loving it, I didn't care. I'm with Zach on the idea that knowing was

I wish that I ate the salt and vinegar Kettle Chips every day. Maybe with the Buffalo Bleu on Fridays instead, just to kick off the weekend. But then straight back to the salt and vinegar.