
No matter what happens he’ll run the party until the day he dies. And Stephen Miller is the next VP. Stephen has no ambition to run for president, he just aspires to watch the world burn. 

Here’s an even more nightmarish one: if he loses in 2020, he’d be eligible to run again in 2024.

Precisely. Boris wants to look like a disarming doofus to disguise the fact he’s just another posh Etonian wannabe-aristocrat.

Watching from across the pond is like looking into an ever-so-slightly fractured mirror.

You should tell your neighbor that’s how gangs get their guns too. So that’s cool.

Yeah. We had that sort of transaction here make the news one time. Some lady bought her neighbor an AR that he couldn’t buy himself because he had spent time in prison for murdering his grandma with a hammer. So then he killed his sister, sent fire to her house and ambushed the firemen who showed up, murdering two of

...and then someone gets killed in Chicago because the gun was brought across state lines, and then some right-wing asshole blames it on Illinois’s lax gun laws.

Bloody Polish! Coming here, taking all the jobs we never wanted and doing them better than we would!”

A hell of a fucking lot of them were. Yes. I am say8ng this even if the OP isn't. 

You know the bus was a lie, right? Like a complete fabrication.

I presume you must be referring to the obvious gap in my analysis — the collective pining for the good old Colonialist days, when Brits occupied the countries of the backward and not the other way around.

In the mob it is known as “kicking up” or “paying tribute”.

It’s not interminable if played by the real rules

Skynet would nuke 2019 so fucking hard. Like, before it achieved sentience.

That was the first approved account I’ve had in ages. Don’t remember the last one. But goes to show that they can grey single commenters whenever they want. The mass greying is never because of one or even a few approved accounts.

This is [Edit: deeply ironic] Kinja.

This is good Kinja.

Not enough stars.