
Fuck me, this made me laugh.

meanwhile someone can run you down with their car and only owe your minor children a million bucks to replace your value to them as a parent and provider

I’d leave, not that I expect that to sway anyone.  But yeah, without the commentor engagement on here I probably wouldn’t spend much time on the Kinjas.

Apparently, even after watching Orange is the New Black (Season 7's ICE sideplot was actually really good!), people are still figuring out that prison guards can be hopelessly incompetent.

I’m good with the notion, but North American drivers would need to be subjected to a huge educational campaign on how they work. There’s one near my office (am Canadian) and basically everyone using it has a different concept of how it works. Some people stop at the entry and wait for the roundabout to be empty, some

Eh, they’ve put them in locally here. They’re entertaining/terrifying for about 6 months, then fine. 

I live near a Tim Horton’s and pass by it on my commute every morning. It pisses me off to no end that the drive through always has a solid 20 cars waiting in line, while the actual store is completely deserted. The sheer laziness of some of these people is hard to wrap your head around, you could just go inside and

I appreciate you advocating for more roundabouts, and I agree. 

More Charles Pierce please. And more Ray Ratto, too.

They sound like two scooter-ridden old men bickering in a nursing home. Someone should drop them both off at the nearest one.

In Seattle the concession stands all stop serving during the national anthem. It’s groan worthy

Somewhere right now, the national anthem is being played people- take off your hats and stand!!!

Motherfucker probably actually showed up there too.

Not to mention that, suicide being an overwhelmingly impulsive act, rates of “success” are vastly higher with easy access to firearms.

I’ve had people bold enough to bring outside food into the coffee shop I worked in and set up to use our wi-fi without buying anything. “Bold” at this point means endlessly convinced they should get to have whatever they want for free.

they voted for him.

“The combined membership of every white supremacist organization in this country would be able to fit inside a college football stadium.”

Saw a guy in a coffee shop last week charging his OneWheelXR electric skateboard. For like an hour. All he ordered was a small coffee. I think they lost money on that deal. Definitely should cover the outlets.

My local Chipotle deals with the problems not only of bathroom squatters but of employees who will give the code to every random jamoke who walks in (defeating the purpose of bathroom codes) by printing the code out on the receipt. You want into the bathroom, you gotta buy somethin’.