Yeah…the trauma made him look like he aged 6 years in less than 12 months.. :)
Yeah…the trauma made him look like he aged 6 years in less than 12 months.. :)
If Hank had called backup as soon as they had Walt blubbering while driving, he would have had his man AND probably survived to enjoy it.
Reminded me of the Senator pleading for her daughter's life in 'Silence of the Lamb's'…..Starling said it was smart, trying to humanize the victim. Too bad Jack is more evil than Buffalo Bill…
Jesse and Walt would both be dead if not for Todd's interventions; isn't he the real hero right now??
Why does Todd have them spared? Because he wants to cook Sky Blue, and only Jesse and Walt know how to do it.
Why does Todd want to cook better? Because he has a Norman Bates-style crush on Lydia, and wants to please…