
'Felina', 'Magorium', the hockey game etc are all red herrings.

Maybe Jesse whittles a skiv out of a piece of wood and stabs Todd with it…in the eyes…

Jumped down after releasing the lock, ate some more Americone Dream ice cream, maybe had a can of spinach, jumped up again gripping beside the gate, then locked his feet against the gate, pushing it open a bit. Wedged his left lower leg on top of the cage beside the gate, swung his other leg beside it, dangles like a

They could do Lydia wiping out Jack's crew in a five minute cold open. 
Or they could cold open a flashback of why Walt REALLY left Gray Matter, and have the Lydia massacre after the credits…could ALL happen within 15 minutes…plenty of screen time.

I doubt Todd took too much sadist moment pleasure in shooting Andrea; I nominate Walt telling Jesse about Jane as the sadist moment…

Todd is NOT a Nazi, and neither are his group. They belong to the Aryan Brotherhood….basically a 'whites only' prison gang organized to counter the huge Black prison gangs. They adopted the swastikas as an 'emblem', but they are more interested in dominating the lockups, doing hits, and making money.

You still mad….  :(

Shocking twist is that Lydia wipes out Todd/Jack et al before Walt even gets there….maybe….

You mad, bro?

Todd's 'tragic' (if one can use that word with Todd) flaw is his lust/crush for Lydia. Jack was prepared to give up the meth trade after 'winning the lottery'. I'm wondering if this 'flaw' spells a 'shocking' doom for Todd/Jack/Kenny and crew early in the episode…see below…

April Wine's 'Sign of the Gypsy Queen' plays in the background while Jack's crew watch Jesse's vid..in part:

Thinking….maybe Jack's AB gang is the biggest red herring in TV history…maybe the final and true nemesis is somebody else…

Jesse's sagest advice was to Hank and Gomie. He told them "You guys are just guys. Mr. White…he's the Devil! He's smarter than you and he's luckier than you. No matter what you think will happen, the exact reverse opposite will happen."

An 'older' friend of mine told me that there hasn't been this much buzz and intelligent 'dissection' of a popular culture item since the release of Sgt Pepper.

And he kind of makes up for this 'half measure' by going 'full measure' with Andrea…

Seven Deadly Sins and who dies from them (some eventually)

If it's not been done already, I'd like somebody to write an alternate story line where EVERYBODY listens to what Walt says, follows his orders properly, and fully trusts him.


So they imply….I still believe G emotionally/sexually betrayed Walt. I can't imagine Walt saying "F—- You!" to G at lunch because he felt yucky about vacation homes…

More happened in Ozy, and Felina will be 15 minutes longer….no problem!