

Wipeout is usually always solid

Fuck a Duck
She still around? Sheeeeeeeeit…..

Jonny Fucking Depp
Fuck him. Overrated to fuck poseur motherfucker


@Jason Heller
You should see "Threads" dude, seriously fucking grim. I always found it had way more of an impact on me than "The Day After", though maybe thats because its British and so am I. Easier to empathise etc. The hospital scene at the end of "The Day After" still creeps me the fuck out though, brrrr

fucking sucks. RIP dude

Where the fuck is internet eating sensation Dave Chang?
Eh? EH? We/I want some Chang time you fuckers

Midnight was awesome. The best thing RTD wrote for Doctor Who for my money!

I like the new change in pace, the show under RTD became far too driven by weightless bombast. I would welcome a *little* more action though.

Trust a scot on this one, this shit is the absolute fucking pits. Vodka and red cola- thats some good shit. Should probably taste test red cola actually. Gotta be curries though that shit rules

Celtic are a pile o' fuckin' keech ya stupid fuckin' ba-heided tubes.

Scooby-doo was fucking gash.

what about kaantzeraydes? Great fusion work

I like the fact that the lead guitarist elected not to do backing vocals as though he was like "Shit guys I can't sing" Or even better the others told him his vocal ability wasn't up to their standards. Let he without sin etc etc

Hey sugartits

YES! Its an extender!

this movie is truly an..
enormous pile o' shite

The dirty projectors
are over rated as fuck. That is all

Fucking A-hole
What a self serving simpering little fucker Chris Brown is. Hopefully gonna be getting "Turked" in a prison near you soon! Also his music is really fucking shitty. Fact