@BreakingRad:disqus Re: the jaw dropping moment, this was one of two times I've literally dropped my jaw this year. The other one being in Spartacus where he cuts off the dude's face.
@BreakingRad:disqus Re: the jaw dropping moment, this was one of two times I've literally dropped my jaw this year. The other one being in Spartacus where he cuts off the dude's face.
I certainly wouldn't write a complaint letter if somehow Quarles is still alive next season and they slip some Buster Bluth quotes into his dialogue all subtle-like.
Definitely struck me as the best subtle acting in the entire episode. Timothy Goddamn Olyphant, people!
@avclub-e272ee4a2e7a219bdfb5b91ad8cf7b1c:disqus : your Sanford and Son T-Dog rendition getting buried in the comments is a travesty on the level of those Edvard Munch paintings that got stolen a few years ago.
Seriously, what the fuck is up with all the GOT song tribute videos on Youtube?
For real, Amilie just made a powerful enemy.
I've also observed some degree of raising up.
Supposedly Georgia is doing the same thing with Tennessee. But I think that's driven more by the need to bump up the border to include a bend of the Tennessee River so that Atlanta can stick their straw into it.
Holy shit. It's been a minute since I've heard a reference to Big Johnson shirts…
I'm trying to start a campaign to change the names to "Top Carolina" and "Bottom Carolina."
Or have I become numb to nudity?
So I just re-watched the episode and, correct me if I'm wrong, I don't think there was a single titty or wang. Is that a first for Spartacus?
I respect a show that's willing to go out on a limb and kill multiple central characters. (Hint, hint, The Walking Dead…)
Surely not. From what I've gathered, the only things that kill you in the Spartacus-verse are swords impaling one through the *middle of the torso (*oblique impalements seem to be minor wounds), swords through the head, beheading, or cutting one's throat. Oh, or being in a sexual relationship with Spartacus.
I was incredibly pleased to see Lucretia's "plan" come together at the end. I use quotes because she really comes across as completely bat-shit insane, but surely I'm not the only one who assumed all season that there was revenge in her mind the whole time. I would have been pretty disappointed if she became a…
It's a person with a katana blade leading two armless zombies around on chains, but the fact that she has a vagina spoils the intrigue. I mean: WOMEN, right??! This guy knows what I'm talking about.
I was thinking that maybe Quarles was making up the whole abuse thing just to get the kid to put the gun down, and that he's just regular ol' psychotic, without the necessity of childhood sexual trauma. Kind of the Heath Ledger's Joker making up stories about his scars sort of thing, just to fuck with people.
So I was thinking about how much I wish Tim would get meatier plots because he's so awesome and all, and then I realized that he's the "funny friend" from Eurotrip. And you know what? That shit holds up pretty well. So now I'm doubling down.
I get the impression that Duffy's had a good idea of which way this was headed ever since Quarles' "You know me now?" line at the beginning of the season. He had the option of falling in line behind Quarles and *maybe* making some money while he's at it, or getting shot with the Taxi Driver gun.
It felt good, I'm not gonna lie. I felt it hit right in the sweet spot.