Don't hate the player, hate the game in which I just bunted a home run.
Don't hate the player, hate the game in which I just bunted a home run.
@avclub-90272194713a3592bdcb240294fa6fe8:disqus Oh, you hadn't heard? Patterson Hood played a song on top of a building and the Waltons decided that they DIDN'T want to make an extra several million dollars a year.
@avclub-ef7d8ff636c7f5e86f5e63b5acfd2859:disqus Just go ahead and shoot the one with the goatee.
Player "HeRsHeL6969" has unlocked UNLIMITED AMMO CHEAT
I heard they went crazy for it over in Europe. Only caught on in niche markets over here though.
Let's be honest, if we're setting the bar at the original "Flinstones," it's still pretty low.
@avclub-d12cfd57f077ca324ce6578da67b7592:disqus Excellent point. If we're going by MaxBrooksian rules here, then Randall would still be a zombie, but a quadriplegic one.
I thought we had all figured out that Jenner told Rick that Lori was pregnant? It couldn't have been that everyone's already infected; Rick and Shane wouldn't have been puzzled about the policemen without bite marks, and he would have been waiting for Shane to reanimate.
@avclub-62ae6d9e1a24836a391716549223464f:disqus Good point. I'll amend that comment by saying that in the comics Kirkman regularly kills off main characters (whether you care for them or not), so they maintain a sense of tension. Up until Dale, the only people who died were Sophia (I had to look up her name) and…
@avclub-e4892f3d26bd080e9e0ee52a8484de55:disqus I guess in real life, it's not hard to believe that someone might get a shot off without hitting anything. My point is that in fiction, realistic or not, if it doesn't have any consequences and advance the story, why do it? (This expands to the entire bulk of the show;…
@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus That's almost everything wrong with the SHOW.
Anybody else wondering why SNL hasn't done a Mad Men/Angry Birds sketch? Like shooting Rich Somner out of a slingshot?
@avclub-7531a93baf5da0105892793cdeaf8cf8:disqus Abandon all hope, ye who trust the writers on this show to not do stupid things. There happens to be a separate explanation for those dead folk in the cars; the first of the two times I watched "Talking Dead," they had Robert Kirkman on and he explained it away as all…
If I had a hammer
I'd swing it at a zombie
I'd swing it hella hard
right into his braaaaiiiin
I'd hammer out of danger
I'd hammer out a contract
I'd hammer out some lines - to say - in each - episode
And get a better name.
I unironically appreciate a dude who will take significant time to be a dick about phonetic spelling.
Right? He's the Lisa Simpson of The Walking Dead.
Yeah, kinda like "Chekov's shot" there, seeing as it apparently didn't hit either of them.
@avclub-678004486c119599ed7d199f47da043a:disqus The actor's name is "IronE Singleton." The IronY being that his fake TV name is more believable than his actual name.
@avclub-0e889bf8feaed435acfd82d0646db561:disqus Prrrrrretty sure that was just a lady who was also black. Or did you mean "girlfriend" like "Whazz up girlfriend!"
Duffy is yet another tangential character on this show who deserves his own spin-off.