
Fair enough @avclub-2d0cca95ad6a2061d208d765e79af478:disqus and @avclub-cb3a1f7e970abd661e560f13793f9987:disqus .  I guess that my biggest problem with it is that you have a host and usually at least one panelist who frequent comedy podcasts, and they're trying to riff and make comedy out of what should be a pretty

I don't think anyone on here would have a problem with the whiny, self-righteous ethicist character, so long as it was well-done and filled out.  The problem with Dale (and pretty much every other character on the show) is that they've drawn them super-broadly and only appear to be filling in details for the sake of

A few things actually really worked for me this week:

I *will* never ever watch that stupid fucking after-show.  Which is a shame, because I generally enjoy Chris Hardwick and most of his guests.  But they may as well re-name it "Sucking The Previous Show's Cock While Ad-Libbing Bad Jokes Dead."

I've come around on T-Dog's name.  Only because it's better than the actor's ACTUAL name: IronE Singleton.  You can't get mad at writers who are improving on real life.

Or Yo-Yo.

New campaign poster: The words "OBAMA COMIN, YO!" written in all tight-ass old English letters an shit.  Barack all walkin towards the camera lookin all hard an shit.

You're both right. Bodie did get the first awkward shot off, but then Poot did the face-shooting.


Linguistically, Brits' accents are much closer to Southern English than other American accents are.  Especially the deep, non-Appalachian south (that was settled by the British).  I'd say Lincoln's is much better than, say, Reese Witherspoon's.

Needless to say, this is awful.  I've enjoyed von Bargen in everything I've ever seen him in, and I hope that he recovers from his injuries.

This episode was step one to my television wet dream: a Dewey Crowe spin-off.

Everyone with a smart phone has a pocket medical dictionary.  Writers (who are writing on computers these days) have them as well.

It's T-Ball.  He's not particularly coordinated.

Also, a black character named T-Dog is just about as diverse and inoffensive as putting your asian character in a Short-Round hat. (Although, Kirkman gets the credit for the hat.)

I have a theory that they originally named the character "Toby."  But then some suit was like "No, that's offensive.  Let's call him something realistic, like 'T-Dog.' They call each other stuff like that, I promise."

I can suspend my disbelief about reanimated corpses, but I draw the line at believing that the other extremely white characters wouldn't have just started calling him Terry, or whatever his actual name is.

Right after I made the same point I saw yours here.

I agree that Dale's level of specificity about what happened is stupid.  BUT, at the very least, he does have reason to be crazy suspicious of Shane, because of the time he caught him leveling his shotgun at Rick in the woods (S1E3?  I think?).

Speaking of not much for T-Dog to do, did anyone else notice that he and Shane BOTH lit torches to throw on a gasoline-soaked pile of corpses?  I may be a simple caveman who was thawed out and went to law school, but in that scenario, wouldn't the second torch be redundant?