
Cue staggering zombie with missing hand.

It does not.  Especially if your reasoning behind using your knife over your buddy's is that "mine's sharper."

I definitely didn't laugh at this one as much as other episodes, but I still chuckled a few times.  What I didn't like was how you could see every hijink coming a mile away.

There's kind of a revolving door thing going on with the two industries.

My mom grew up in Nashville and went to school with Hank Jr. for a couple of years.  It will surprise no one that she reports that he was a gigantic asshole back then as well.

I hate to hear this. I got hooked on Songs: Ohia back in '02, and got a chance to see him live on the last tour where he was performing under that name.  I was in college in Athens, GA, and ran into a friend of mine outside the club when I was heading in.  This friend was a real "dude" and was hanging out with a

Odds are I'll just be ACTUALLY falling down at that age.


@avclub-796eb50a93f0f090063f36d64268dd97:disqus : My issue isn't with you generalizing fundamentalists, it's with you using "Baptist" and "Evangelical" as synonyms for "fundamentalist."  And it really isn't an issue of me being offended; I'm not.  There are plenty of evangelicals and Baptists that are deserving of and

@frodo: while I don't tend to go so far as @anon does into the intrinsic utter depravity and crappiness of humankind, I will jump in to Anon's defense and say I understand and agree with the basic premise behind it: the idea that "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." 
If you start from the assumption

One of my favorite movies. Walter Goggins is incredible.

@avclub-c88e480b73f71a78df8a9839f870a0f2:disqus : It's not my intention (at least I don't think it is) to whine. I think what I'm trying to do here IS to fight those baptists by explaining, even to a few internet commenters, that those are only a certain branch of Baptists who have hijacked what the traditional sect

@yahoo-7G4SWUX2MCWWXLMYNN347JMIZY:disqus : I'd like to address some of your statements from the point of a devout Christian:
First of all, and this is from my perspective as being a human, not necessarily Christian, EVERYONE is intellectually suspect. Especially people commenting on the internet. You should suspect my

@avclub-3db41011acc2d229176bf6a92202728d:disqus : I agree completely with your disclaimer there about not having people knock on your door.  Our church (and thousands like it) believe that in sharing the gospel we should take our cues from how Jesus shared it according to the scriptures: feeding the hungry, healing

@avclub-796eb50a93f0f090063f36d64268dd97:disqus : Generalizing Baptists that way sure as hell isn't fair to me, or my family, or the other members of my church, or the thousands of Baptist churches like it.  Generalization is by its very nature unfair.  It's the root of prejudice.
I'm very sorry that you had the

Christians have definitely been the thematic punching bag for films, Indie OR Hollywood (The Mist, anyone?).  The very glaring exception to this was Robert Duvall's "The Apostle," which did an excellent job of portraying evangelical Christians in a very realistic manner.  That film struck an excellent balance of

Well said.  As I understand it, the definition of "Evangelical" is having the belief that the gospel is meant to be shared with others in the interest of leading them to believe.

I like how @avclub-1b1f9a3e639ecc53f335314fc9d8403b:disqus  hypocritically generalizes Baptists without apparently knowing anything about them. The Baptist branch of Christianity splits off into many different sub-categories.  For instance, my church belongs to the Alliance of Baptists.  We recognize as Christians

I've made it a point to try not to be a comedy elitist and let people like what they like, but good god is this lady unfunny.  I couldn't even make it to the first commercial break.

The horror.  The horror.