Mrs Miss or Mr and Mrs Daneeka

Björk Björk Björk Björk Björk Björk

Here goes: I quite like a few later episodes of the Simpsons.

EDIT: Damn you, Firefox!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, Vatican City has a city suffix despite being a country, so we've sort of got to assume that Sucksville is some sort of city state or effective city state, akin to Uruguay. In that way, the primate city could legitimately have its country named after it but also have enough of a hinterland to merit a distinction

Discuss.                                                                                     [28 marks]

OK, here we go. My first meme!
This sounds like an incredibly moving tale


Your literary reference is bad and you should feel bad!


Are… Are you Franz Kafka?

A pretty God coming out of a game? That would involve some sort of *snort* Deus Ex Machina!

Yeah, and after that pitiful one set in Tunisia (!) they went and did some shitty prequels in the Baltic.I mean, come on! How generous do Soviet film-making subsidies have to be to move the whole franchise to motherfucking LITHUANIA!?

Honey, I Killed all the Bees
Honey, I Directed the Star Wars Prequels
Honey, I Can't Think of Any More Parody Film Titles That Aren't Unnecessarily Self-Referential

Laboured! :)

Nah, he was shit in that. Still, beats being a receptacle of shit (viz. commode)


Up your moms BUTT!!!!!!!

Sort of like AVClub comments.

What music do YOU like then?

speaking of typical message board posts…

Yeah, they split because of some hoe. I think her name was… Wallonia.