Mrs Miss or Mr and Mrs Daneeka

Liked for keeping to the metre of the original… waaaaiiit ;)

I would watch the shit out of a show centred around slo-mo montages of corroded swastika statues gently collapsing in the abandoned capitals of Europe interspersed with close-ups of Randy Jackson's sweating Weeble of a face as he systematically infects a screaming queue of songsters with Rebhorn leering from a

Beatific Black
American would like to deny any such rumours of sentient statuettes and say instead that “There's
other ways o' learnin' 'bout the behind feet of a mule than gettin' kicked by
'em, sure as I'm named Remus.”

Didn't he have a black girlfriend in one of the later seasons?

You don't wanna know what he's doing to his mediocre wife, amirite?